Unlock Your Energy and Put Your Well-Being First on Your To-Do List

Stop pushing through the day with a drained battery…

Instead, learn a new way of creating sustainable habits that fuel your energy so you can boost your performance, strengthen your relationships, and improve your wellness!

You want to get things done and still have enough energy to take care of yourself!

You’re probably tired of…

Constantly juggling responsibilities while feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted.  

Feeling like you can’t focus on your own needs until you get everything done for everyone else.

Struggling to break free from the cycle of stress and exhaustion, and squeeze self-care into your day.

Maybe you’ve tried…

Self-help books, online articles, videos, and programs to learn strategies for managing stress and creating healthy habits.

BUT, the generic advice and techniques failed to address your unique needs.

Diet and exercise strategies and programs, hoping that improving your physical health would help alleviate your stress and exhaustion.

BUT, you felt stuck and unmotivated to follow through or maintain the protocols.

Meditation and mindfulness practices as a way to reduce stress and find balance
in your life.

BUT, they felt like a waste of time, uncomfortable, forced, and ineffective.

Now you’ve decided that enough is enough. 

You want personalized guidance to help you break free from stress and exhaustion and finally focus on your well-being.


You are no longer feeling so depleted that you can’t do another thing and frustrated that you haven’t done enough to take care of yourself…


Have you been on the hamster wheel and neglecting yourself for so long that change feels impossible?

I felt that way too

Stressed and exhausted, with no energy to focus on my well-being.

Overwhelmed by everything that needed my attention.

Unsatisfied with my performance, wellness, and relationships.

The problem was…

No matter how hard I tried, nothing seemed to stick, leaving me feeling even more drained and frustrated that I was failing myself and my family.

  • Healthy eating and exercising felt punishing and depriving.
  • Sleep was a luxury – I got just enough to barely function.
  • Stress management practices felt forced and like one more thing to do.
  • My resistance to fun and relaxation was damaging my relationships.

I was forcing myself to do “all the things“, and felt more depleted than ever.

There had to be a better way.

And that’s when I realized…

I needed a NEW WAY of doing things.

 Not just another quick fix or added task on my already overflowing to-do list.

First, I had to start believing that it was not only OK to put self-care first, but essential.  I wasn’t doing anyone any favors by neglecting my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

I had to take a look at the things that I was already doing (and thinking) and figure out which of them were stressing me out and draining my energy.

I needed to learn to be OK with saying “no” and accept that my worth wasn’t based on how much I accomplished in a day. 

I discovered the power of the right habits – those that ultimately gave me more energy than they cost. 

Now, I’m healthier, happier, and more productive

My healthy habits aren’t a chore, they are part of who I am and non-negotiable – like brushing my teeth. 

My daily brain fog and overwhelm are gone, and decision-making is easier.

I’ve learned how to slow down, without feeling guilty.

With less stress, I accomplish more.

I have energy for me!

I developed my own healthy living system, and now I want to teach and empower you to build an energy efficient system of your own.

Reclaim Your Energy, Elevate Your Well-Being

My signature 1-on-1 coaching program to help you build simple systems that maximize your physical, mental and emotional energy so that you can boost your performance, strengthen your relationships, and improve your wellness.

Your energy efficient system is built in 3 simple phases:


Highlight your strengths and values, assess your current well-being, and envision a vibrant, healthy version of yourself. Realign your mindset, building mental fitness and resilience, to set you up for success.

System Design & Integration

Learn the proven framework for designing lasting habits. Create an energy-efficient plan, seamlessly integrating new behaviors into your life. Experiment, reflect, and adjust as needed.

System Optimization & Maintenance

Assess your progress, establish long-term accountability, and overcome obstacles. 
We refine your system for ease, flow, and sustainability.

I’ll guide you every step of the way as you create a personalized healthy living system that maximizes your energy and well-being

Phase 1: System Foundation

(4-10 weeks)

Reset for the Best You Yet

  • Uncover your strengths
  • Evaluate your satisfaction with all areas of well-being
  • Gain clarity around what’s most important to you moving forward

Map Out Your Milestones

  • Determine the changes you need to make to get from where things are now to where you really want them to be
  • Break down long-term changes into manageable milestones
  • Make an achievable commitment to yourself

Manage Your Mindset

  • Discover how your mind has been sabotaging your health and happiness
  • Learn simple techniques to overcome negative thought patterns and develop mental strength and resilience
  • Optional – Positive Intelligence® Core Mental Fitness Program (PQ®) (see details)

I’ll guide you every step of the way as you create a personalized healthy living system that maximizes your energy and well-being

Phase 2: System Design
& Integration

(6 weeks)

Education, Support, and Coaching 

  • Learn the proven framework for building habits that last
  • Create an energy efficient plan for implementing new behaviors that will become second nature
  • Discover your best path toward the milestones that will improve your energy, performance and wellness
  • Design specific plans for implementing new habits and routines between sessions
  • Reflect on each weekly action experiment and make adjustments as necessary

Phase 3: System Optimization & Maintenance

(8 weeks)

Future Proof Your New Operating System

  • Measure and assess your progress
  • Celebrate your accomplishments
  • Establish guardrails for long-term accountability
  • Identify potential obstacles and explore ways to pivot so you can get past or avoid them
  • Refine your system to ensure, ease, flow, and sustainability

Options To Fit Your Needs

Same 3 Phases 

Two Levels of Support

Let’s chat about the right one for you

The Energy

Recharge your drained battery and create a healthy living system to elevate your performance, happiness, and well-being.

4 months of support


  • 14 private (1-on-1) coaching sessions $2100
  • 6 pre-recorded lessons $240
  • Companion workbook to facilitate your success $97
  • Email and text support between sessions $400

Your Investment



or 3 payments of $697

The Ultimate
Energy Upgrade

Take your energy and well-being to the next level with the transformative insights and practices of mental fitness.

6 months of support


Your Investment



or 3 payments of $877

Here’s where I’m supposed to say, “But wait, there’s more!” 

Instead, I’ll just say…

I want your experience working with me to be better than you can imagine.  

Here are some extra resources I want you to have, no matter which program you choose:

  • Lifetime access to the 6 pre-recorded program lessons
  • A daily journal to keep your system foundation (aka, your mindset!) strong and stable, document your journey, and celebrate your success (a $27 value)
  • A printable habit tracker to cue your new behaviors and support your consistency and motivation 
  • Lifetime access to the Stop Stress from Stealing Your Energy and Well-Being Workshop, with 6 modules plus a 30+ page action-oriented workbook (a $77 value)


I do have one other exciting “extra” that is only available with The Ultimate Energy Upgrade.

It’s worth $995, but I can’t share the details publicly. I am SO excited for you to find a time to chat so I can tell you about it!

My Promise to You

I’m confident that if you commit to doing the work, you’ll experience significant positive changes.

You need to see and feel it to believe it!

To provide you with peace of mind, I offer a money-back guarantee after 60 days if you have actively participated in the program and are not satisfied with the results.

You may be wondering…

In my coaching programs, you’ll experience a unique blend of education, insight, practical strategies, and transformative coaching.  Coaching is not about me telling you what to do.  Instead, it’s a collaborative partnership where I serve as your guide and support system.  I’ll help you get clear on how things are for you now and guide you toward getting them where you really want them to be.

Therapists help people heal from trauma and manage mental health conditions.  They also focus on resolving difficulties arising from the past that impact emotional functioning in the present.  

Coaches help people build a better future.  Coaching supports personal and professional growth and is designed to move you forward through conversations that empower you to overcome challenges and find your unique path to achieve exceptional results.  We will learn from the past, but we are not sticking around there for long!

Nope.  I will provide you with resources and information, but you are in the driver’s seat.  I’ll be your thinking partner – along for the ride and helping you see the road more clearly.  I’m there to point out blind-spots, sharp curves, detours, and hidden scenic routes!

I know that squeezing one more thing into your jam packed schedule feels impossible.  Understanding the challenges of juggling responsibilities, I designed this program for maximum efficiency and flexibility.  The recorded content can be reviewed at your convenience, and our 1-on-1 time together will be scheduled on a day and time that fits your needs.  

We kick off the program with 90-minute 1-on-1 sessions for the first two weeks.  For the remainder of the first two phases of the program, we meet weekly for 50-minutes.  Once you’ve got your healthy living system in operation, we transition to bi-weekly 50-minute sessions for phase 3, where we focus on fine-tuning, consistency, and accountability.

You’ll also have some independent learning during certain portions of the program.  The six recorded lessons included with both program options average about 30-minutes each.  The Ultimate Energy Upgrade includes the additional content of the Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Program (PQ®) (see details).

I assure you, the positive impact on your energy and well-being will be well worth the time you invest in yourself throughout this program!

The PQ® program is an integral part of The Ultimate Energy Upgrade. It is a transformative approach to mental fitness, helping you build positive resilience and handle life’s challenges more effectively.  PQ® is the x-factor when it comes to living with less stress and exhaustion and more energy and well-being.  You will be amazed by how the PQ® insights and practices supercharge the benefits of your coaching program and newly designed healthy living system.  Head over to the Mental Energy Mastery program to learn more about the details of PQ®.  

Both levels of support – The Energy Reboot and The Ultimate Energy Upgrade – offer significant benefits.  The choice depends on the depth of transformation you desire.  We can discuss your specific goals during our Discovery Call to determine the best fit for you.

This program will give you the resources and support that you need to prioritize your self-care, boost your energy, and improve your performance, relationships, and wellness.  I am so confident in its effectiveness, that I offer a money-back guarantee.  If you actively participate in the program, but feel like it isn’t working for you for any reason, you may request a full refund within the first 60 days.

Questions are welcomed (and expected!)  You can head over to my contact form and ask me anything.  Then, go ahead and schedule a Discovery Call!  It’s free, and it’s required prior to signing-up for the coaching programs.  We’ll get to know each other to see if we’d be a good fit to work together, and I can answer any remaining questions you have.

Schedule a Discovery Call!  We start here because a healthy coach-client relationship is the cornerstone of your success.  The Discovery Call gives us the opportunity to see if we “click”!

Client Success Stories

Stop pushing through life with a drained battery.

Break the vicious cycle of stress and exhaustion.

I’ll help you build simple systems that generate the energy that you crave.

Elevate your success, happiness, and well-being

Let’s get started.